
On behalf of the General Incorporated Association, the Philippine EXPO, I would like to say that we are very pleased to be able to offer “KANTAHAN AT SAYAWAN SA KAMEARI” to you.
This event had been held at the Kameari Lirio Park for five days, about sixteen thousand people enjoyed the gastronomic experience and vibrant festivities. It was a great event with the happy faces and cheerfulness of the lively crowd.
We would like to extend heartfelt thanks to all of you who came and supported the affair with endearing enthusiasm. We appreciate cooperating of the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines, Tourism division and supporting of Katsushika-ku. Then we also thank the sponsors and exhibitors. And to all the performers and contestants, we couldn’t have had such a fantastic time without you.
We are so indebted for your support of our organization’s endeavor. Your generosity has made a tremendous impact on our cause, and we would like to express our sincere appreciation for your dedication.
This event was held as a new initiative with surrounding residents. As a result, there were more Japanese visitors, and we were able to introduce the Philippines to a larger audience.
Once again, we truly appreciate your support, and we look forward to staying in touch with you. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any further questions, feedback, or recommendations to further improve our activities to promote the friendship and goodwill between Japan and the Philippines.
November, 2024
Suzuki Nobuyuki
Representative director
General Incorporated Association, the Philippine EXPO
10 月 31 日(木)、 11 月 1 日(金)はスペシャル企画として
「フィリピンEXPO ハロウィン「歌と踊りの祭典」xGirl’s Bomb!! -brought by Dream Cast」
11 月 2 日(土)、11 月 3 日(土)、11 月 4 日(月) からのプログラムは、フィリピン人によるパフォーマンス(歌謡及び舞踊)や、自由参加型のプログラムを中心に提供、来場者が一体になって楽しめる内容を予定しています。
開催場所 : 葛飾区立亀有リリオパーク
開催期間 : 令和 6 年 10 月 31 日~11 月 4 日(5 日間)
開催期間 : 午前 10 時 00 分から午後 9 時 00 分まで(音響は午後 7 時 00 分まで)
主催:一般社団法人フィ リ ピンエキスポ
後援 :葛飾区
協力 : フィリピン大使館観光部